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I looked outside my window this morning, and the neighbors were smiling.  The sun was shining; the birds were singing, and I realized I wouldn't have to wear boots to walk the dog because every last trace of snow had vanished!  Overnight, the earth has turned on its axis, and it is spring!  

They're probably celebrating in Rabbit Hash.  The river has crested and begun to recede.  In Rabbit Hash, which nestles in the bend of the Ohio River and consists of wooden buildings, no spring flood is good news indeed.  Although some of the inhabitants do enjoy the flotsam and jetsam that high waters bring.  They call it “flood kill.”  The General Store can start booking shows in the barn again, and, alas, the motorcycles will be back on the weekends acting like they own the place.

Our friends in New Richmond are also celebrating the crest of the River, though some of the citizens enjoy being able to look at the River right at eye level, most are glad to be spared a demonstration of its power.  Business has suffered at the Front St. Cafe through this cold, hard February, and now things are looking up.  Bobby Lees, who owns the Cafe, can start booking acts like Clair Lynch and Jim Hurst and Missy Raines again, and the peacock will come out of wherever it's been hiding and strut his stuff and sing his own peculiar songs again.

As for me, I'm submitting a story (fiction) to possible publishers and hoping for the best.    If I were younger, I'd be thinking of raspberries and fresh asparagus and bouquets of flowers from new admirers.  If you're in the market, that's exactly what I wish for you!