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Rabbit Hash or Bust

I "motored down" to Rabbit Hash with Bill and Claudia LaWarre last evening.  After driving about an hour through green trees and corn fields, we turned a curve and there was Rabbit Hash, spread out before us like the metroplex it is.  I saw at least five buildings ahead of me. The General Store catches the eye immediately with its huge advertisement for a soft drink decorating the front of it.  There is no getting around it:  it is the heart of the business district.  The porch was crowded with a variety of people:  motorcycle riders who had stopped in the General Store to grab a soft drink or a beer, bohemian types waiting for the evening's art opening to begin, and of course the usual sight-seers, their mouths gaping.  Rabbit Hash residents are used to it.  They don't seem to notice the out-of-towners.  One man in a white linen shirt driving a BMW asks a local for directions to the art opening, and the local sighs and says, "IT's right in front of you, dude," and points to what looks like an old tobacco barn set a little off the ground with a rickety staircase leading to the door.  The sign outside identifies it as the Rabbit Hash Historical Center.   More to comeā€¦